However, for useful help, please provide as much info as possible. A foundation in the basics now will prevent much frustration later.Once you've gone through that, here are some other helpful resources.What computer hardware should I buy?See.If you're here for technical supportGreat! We'll try to assist.

Are you looking for critiques for your piece or are you showing off someone else's work that you've found that is inspirationally excellent?If you'd like to join us on Discord,!If you're new to AEPlease, please, please.

If you're new to AE.You'll be glad you did.REMEMBERDon't downvote a relevant submission you simply don't like kindly explain in a comment how it could be improved - anonymous downvotes don't help anybody.Welcome to AE on reddit!We're here to help with your After Effects problems, critique your pieces, and sometimes provide a spot of inspiration.We are not here to be sold to or spammed, so no posting of your AE templates, please.And don't advocate piracy, please.If you post a video, please explain in the title of your post why you're posting it.